Happy Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. We have so much sun in Hawaii it doesn’t matter here. In Woodinville, like Oakland, the short winter days are depressing.
Thanks for the details. There is so much of the family history I don’t know or have forgotten. I recall one of the babies slept in a dresser drawer. Mike and Leslie used a suitcase as a bed for baby Mike. I recall seeing it in their tiny apartment in Honolulu.
I can imagine Dad (Robert L. Bredimus) panicking over Nancy’s illness. He could get very emotional. Yes, why dark green walls?
One memory I recently recalled was Dad bringing Petit Fours home from a trip to Montreal. They looked like little wrapped presents. Later, I wondered why Dad would have a business trip to Montreal. Perhaps it was just him getting away.

I told my wife there might be secrets kept from me when I was a child. She said why bother with things which might have been secret for a reason.
As I recall we moved into the Oak St. house just before you were born in 1949.
The house was unfinished. I remember Nancy and I did the dishes in a turkey roaster set up on saw horses in the living room. There was a great hurry to get moved into the house before you were born. To Nancy, Robert, Michael and to me it seemed like camping out. Then Nancy got very sick. Dr. Davies made a house call. Nancy had serious bronchitis. Dad was horrified. He kept telling Mom that Nancy could die like her mother had. There was a lot of drama for weeks. Somehow you were born. Nancy recovered. A decision was made to paint the entire downstairs green. I don’t remember why.
If I think of anything else I’ll let you know.